Pencil Lines Sketches Biography
source( he was born in Far Rockaway, Queens, William Sketch Harris is a proud Brooklyn native. At the age of six, before he wielded pencils and pastel crayons, Sketch preferred his Woody Woodpecker bath towel. It was from this cloth of terry that the origins of his sketching powers were born. You see, Sketch was not happy with the way his beloved woody was portrayed in a rendition of the towel. So he picked up a pen and pad to avenge his dear Woody’s image, and he never stopped sketching since.
Sketch used his creative powers for the greater good, freelancing for nineteen years. But he sought more formal training for his power of illustration and in 2010 he graduated with an Associates degree in Digital Design from Southwest Florida College. He was inducted into the Southwest Florida College Hall of Fame for his good service saving the world from one creative project gone wrong at a time. His super abilities range from cartooning and character logos to portrait art and digital paintings.
When he’s off duty, Sketch can be found living a quiet life at home, upstate, NY with his beautiful wife and daughter. That is, until some unfortunate soul with a need for an innovative artist calls and Sketch must wield his pencil once more.
Biography by Jennifer Poe
How did you get the name Sketch?
I was helping a friend work on his music and as we sat in the studio with 3 other guys, it came up. Everyone in the group had a rap name or a nickname for themselves except for me, so my friend Adam just stared at me for second and said “Sketch.” We all liked it and it stuck ever since.
What influences you artistically?
People. I come from the city where everyone’s different—everyone is unique, from the simplest hairstyle to the most extreme get-up imaginable; and it’s not all about looks either. Watching people, listening to things they have to say, how they carry themselves, it’s fascinating to me. I’m a character artist; I’ve always prided myself on that. So that said, I have an endless amount of inspiration.
What’s your favorite drawing style?
Anime/Manga. I remember experimenting with several different styles early on and no matter what I did, it always looked better to me when I incorporated a little Manga influence. It’s a very clean but detailed style of cartooning in my opinion. There are no unnecessary lines, sketch marks or cross hatching in characters and elements making it messy.
ow do you approach a new artistic project or design?
I usually start by researching what is out there, what is not and what people may want to see. Then I start building an idea from dozens of smaller ideas. For me, there can’t be anything too simple: it’s got to have little hidden messages or allegories to form a whole. This way everyone has something to take away from the final project.
Where does your passion to illustrate come from?
I’m not sure if there is one answer to that question. There are several artists in my family, all of different genres or mediums and one thing is true: none of them really went very far with it. They either quit early on or stayed local to family and friends. That’s just not an option for me. I have stories to tell, opinions to get off my chest and my illustrations are the best outlet for that.
Where do you see yourself 5 yrs from now?
A published artist and writer with a cult following, a feature-length film adaption of one of my creative works in production and two more little ones running around the house.
Interview by Jennifer Poe
Top five artists whose styles you admire?
Massimiliano Frezzato - An Italian comic book artist who created the “Keepers of the Maser” series. I came upon the “Frezzato Sketchbooks” while breezing through the comic store and was blown away. His use of expression brings so much personality to his characters. It’s very impressive.
Stanley Lau aka Artgerm - When I think of someone who personifies digital illustration in a way that is unmatched, Stanley Lau is at the top of my list. His color combinations are immaculate and his drawing technique is a perfect blend of eastern and western art styles.
John Byrne – Without a doubt, this is the man who inspired me to draw comic art. I remember walking into the candy store on my way to school and picking up “The Man of Steel” #1 and couldn’t believe how cool it looked. Byrne’s clean lines, battle scenes and eye for details are awesome.
Art Adams – I have seen this man’s art once and ran out to collect everything I could get my hands on from that day forward. Come on, his name is Art!
Jim Lee – He is one of the most inspirational comic artists of all time and for a good reason. Jim is in my opinion, the best. All of his work is so recognizable; I never ask ‘Who did that?”
Sketching is convenient. You can do it anywhere, at any time… which is great for designers “ah ha!” moments. Not only is it convenient, it’s an extremely important and beneficial stage of the design process.
Okay, sketching… got it! But what do you do once you’ve created a solid drawing?
One of the most important, basic tools in the Adobe suite is the pen tool. By using the pen tool (and maybe some color fills), you can create a solid design.
Check out this video tutorial on how to create vector art using Illustrator’s pen tool. You can also find a step-by-step guide written below.
The physician and philosopher Galen was born at Pergamum in A.D. 129. His father, Aelius Nicon, was an architect and builder with an interest in mathematics, logic, and astronomy and a fondness for exotic mathematical and literary recreations. His mother, according to Galen himself, was a hot-tempered woman, always arguing with his father; Galen compared her to Socrates' wife Xanthippe.
Perhaps while still in his teens, Galen became a therapeutes or 'attendant' of the healing god Asclepius, whose sanctuary was an important cultural center not only for Pergamum, but also for the entire Roman province of Asia. The prestigious cult association of therapeutai included magistrates, senators, highly-placed members of the imperial civil service, and literary men from all over the province.
II. Education
Nicon had planned for his son to study philosophy or politics, the traditional pursuits of the cultured governing class into which he had been born. But in 144 or 145 Asclepius intervened. In a dream, Galen says, the god told Nicon to allow his son to study medicine, and for the next four years Galen studied with the distinguished physicians who gathered at the sanctuary of Asclepius.
In 148 or 149 Nicon died, and Galen at 19 found himself rich and independent. He chose to travel and further his medical education at Smyrna (modern Izmir), Corinth, and Alexandria. In 157 he returned to his native city and a prestigious appointment: physician to the gladiators. From autumn 157 to autumn 161 he gained valuable practical experience in trauma and sports medicine, and he continued to pursue his studies in theoretical medicine and philosophy.
By A.D. 161 Galen, now 32, may have realized that even a great and prosperous provincial city like Pergamum could not offer the opportunities his talents and ambition demanded. He left, returning only for a three-year span from 166 until some time in 169. The rest of his career was spent in Rome.
III. At Rome
During his first stay at Rome Galen quickly became part of the intellectual life of the capital. His public lectures and anatomical demonstrations brought him to the attention of the consular Flavius Boethius, and through him to the notice of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. In 168, Galen tells us, Marcus and his co-emperor, Lucius Verus, invited him to return from Pergamum and to join them at their headquarters in Aquileia, where they were engaged in military operations against the Quadi and Marcomanni, barbarian tribes threatening the Danubian frontier.
By the time Galen acted on the emperor's invitation, however, an outbreak of plague had forced Marcus and his court to return to Rome. There Galen joined them. He continued to write, lecture, and practice medicine, with the emperor's son Commodus and Marcus himself as his most illustrious patients. With the possible exception of a few journeys taken to investigate scientific phenomena, he remained at Rome until his death sometime after A.D. 210.
IV. Writings
In 191 a fire in the Temple of Peace, where he had deposited many of his manuscripts for safe-keeping, destroyed important parts of Galen's work. What remains, however, is enough to establish his reputation as the most prolific, cantankerous, and influential of ancient medical writers. His extant works fill some twenty volumes in Greek. Other works survive only in Arabic or medieval Latin translations.
Galen's works fall into three main categories: medical, philosophical, and philological. His medical writings encompass nearly every aspect of medical theory and practice in his era. In addition to summarizing the state of medicine at the height of the Roman Empire, he reports his own important advances in anatomy, physiology, and therapeutics. His philosophical writings cannot be easily separated from his medical thought. Throughout his treatises on knowledge and semantics he is concerned to argue that medicine, understood correctly, can have the same epistemological certainty, linguistic clarity, and intellectual status that philosophy enjoyed. Likewise his treatises on the language of medicine and his commentaries on Hippocratic texts form part of his project to recover authentic medical knowledge from the accretions of mistaken doctrine.
V. Personality and Influence
From this consistent intellectual and scholarly program emerges a consistent personality. Galen tells us more about himself, his opinions, and his life than any other ancient medical author. He lambastes his contemporaries for their ignorance, greed, and superficial knowledge of the art of medicine. In his fiery, polemic quest for intellectual and rhetorical supremacy, Galen belongs among the great public intellectuals of the Second Sophistic period.
It is difficult to overstate the importance of Galen for European medical thought in the centuries between the fall of Rome and modern times. Even as late as 1833, the index to Karl-Gottlob Kühn's edition (still the only nearly complete collection of Galen's Greek works) could be designed for working medical practitioners as well as for classical scholars. Galen absorbed into his work nearly all preceding medical thought and shaped the categories within which his successors thought about not only the history of medicine, but its practice as well.
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Pencil Lines Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
Pencil Lines Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
Pencil Lines Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
Pencil Lines Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
Pencil Lines Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
Pencil Lines Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
Pencil Lines Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
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