How to Make Pencil Sketches Biography
source( my CREATIVITY workshop I have students take THE PLEDGE.
Why don't you make THE PLEDGE yourself?
I, [your name] , pledge to let myself make mistakes. I know
that all great people make mistakes when they are trying something
new, or trying to become better at something.
Do you ever feel like your brain is 'full?' Too many thoughts crowding around in there?
When I feel that way, I do a BRAIN DRAIN.
Operation Brain Drain
Write for three pages. Don't stop. It doesn't matter what you write (even if you write "This is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid…!") When you're done you can recycle the paper, shred it, or wallpaper your room with it, but now your brain has room to breathe…AND CREATE!
"Super-Vision" drawing exercise (you will need a pencil and paper for this): Position your non-dominant hand (the one you don't write with) in front of you comfortably. With the pencil in your dominant hand, start drawing exactly what you see. Here's the catch: DO NOT look at the paper. Keep your eyes on your drawing subject (in this case, your hand). Draw every crease, every curve, every fingernail. Don't peek!
When you have completed your hand sketch, take a look. What you see may look sloppy or strange, but it will have the "feeling" of a hand to it. Strive for that "feeling" in your art. Don't get locked into what you think you see, or what you think you should draw. Look more deeply and really SEE.
variations: Try other objects. Try your family cat, or even your own face while looking in a mirror.
"No-Lift" pencil sketch
"No-Lift" pencil sketch (as above, you will need pencil and paper): Position your non-dominant hand in front of you again, but this time, don't lift your pencil from the page. Allow each line, each fingernail, each crease, to be drawn in one continuous line from your pencil. You may look at the paper, but try to resist the temptation of "doing it properly." Allow your hand the freedom to explore the lines with more expression and movement.
variations: As in "Super-Vision," you can try many different objects. Be creative. Remember, it's not about the 'perfect' sketch. It's about the process of sketching...of the connection you have with what you see.
As time went on, I got more and more interested in this thing called “art”, and started dabbling in oils and watercolors. Raising a family at that time did not afford me the possibility of taking classes, so I started reading books and studying paintings by famous artists and well known teachers in my spare time, in an effort to teach myself how to create a piece of artwork. After the ump-teenth time of ruining a perfectly good canvas, I eventually wound up with a pencil in my hand producing black & white art. I just couldn’t find any earthly reason to bother with all of those confusing colors, until January of 2004, 20 years after being a professional pencil artist. (I think being born colored-blind had something to do with that!)
Being a pencil artist my whole life, I have learned how to draw and compose, and as of January 2004, I “morphed” into the world of music. From western to contemporary jazz & blues paintings, the oil paintings are done on textured “wrap-around” Canvas & Masonite panels. Em & I both make the panels from start to finish so that the customer is assured of quality craftsmanship all the way to the actual painting itself. The panels are built in a way that excludes them from having to be framed. I also have done numerous life-size paintings which are hanging in galleries and homes throughout the United States. A list of my accomplishments, awards and invitational art shows are also available for you to view here.
My wife Emily and I now reside high in the mountains of southern New Mexico, in the Loma Grande mountain range, surrounded by wildlife, clean air and most importantly my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We call our little piece of Heaven, the “Notevena Ranch and Art Gallery”. Lincoln County New Mexico is home to the world’s richest quarter horse race at Ruidoso Downs, Smoky Bear, Billy The Kid, and not a whole lot of other people. My kids were involved in 4-H and FFA, bred and showed animals in the county and state fairs, plodded through miles of manure, and as a result, they are better off for it.
If you have enjoyed this verbal voyage of my ramblings and want to mount up and ride through my website, click on HOME that will give you index pages, where you can choose what you would like to see. If you are interested in something personal.. which I call commissioned artwork, please contact me.
To find out what's currently going on with my family and I, please go to my news page.
If you enjoy your visit here, you may also want to visit these other great sites. I have another website of just my WESTERN artwork if you like cowboy art. Please visit me there too!
In the meantime, take my advise and keep your powder dry, and your chin to the wind & don't forget to salute our brave solders all over the world. God Bless America!
Imagine this scenario: We have just finished an exhausting briefing with our client and now it’s the moment to rearrange the ideas. We know the preferences and needs of our client; On this basis we should be able to set the layout we have to design. The problem is the quantity of information we have to consider! We defined that in the homepage we have to put a slider and a visible call-to-action which invites to a contact, the pages of the site will be seven and we must also include the latest news in the homepage and so on.
At this point, I assure you, opening Photoshop with the pretension of creating an effective layout is useless; without a plan for what you have to draw in the detail, you’ll be blocked and forced to essentially design without enough foresight to make intelligent decisions. This often means more work later on, fixing what could have been done right the first time with just a bit of work sketching.
Sketching offers something unique to web designers… it helps us organize large amounts of information into manageable pieces that we can design around.
Instead, if you have the fortune of being able to metabolize concepts and ideas in a design, most likely you’ll forget something important, with the result of having to put your hands on the layout again for the second time. And, you probably also know that there are layouts that even with a small change get completely altered and lose their communicative and aesthetic effectiveness… a really frustrating result indeed.
A few pieces of advice on how to proceed without losing your head? Get pen and paper…
Mark the key words that must distinguish the company and that you want in front of your eyes during the project phase, so that not to lose the focus on want you have to represent graphically. Avoid complicated phrases and concepts, be organic: the more immediate you are, the more your mind can process the information quickly and easily.
Always in a schematic way, possibly as a list, write down the information useful for the design phase. What you have to do is record on paper only the information and concepts that you’ll need once you open the graphic program.
Ration out the information in stages, so that every phrase is as straightforward as possible. If you still have to design the layout of the homepage, don’t take notes on the contents to be included in the contacts page: avoid confusion and distraction. Note the information on different sheets of your notebook, so that you can be concentrated on one single step at a time.
This first phase of sketching regards the elaboration of the information in a schematic and simple way. You’re probably thinking that all this rigor and discipline has nothing to do with creativity and imagination and you want a change of scenery? Okay, let’s move up to the next step.
Sketching As Part of the Creative Process
We said that the sketching is a creative process, but want does this mean in practice?
We can consider the sketching as a “middle land” between the information in our possess and the layout we’ll end up planning. In this territory, hostile and magic, we find colors, fonts, boxes, ideas, inspiration, textures, images, sensations, doubts…and much more. Useless saying that in the middle of all this it’s easy to be confused and to find the right idea, the idea that works and that makes us proud to be a designer.
I think that there’s nothing more irritating than finding oneself in front of a blank sheet, waiting for inspiration that is supposed to come from who knows where, and winding up with creating ugly layouts (then if you’re really lucky like me, you’ll be engaged with a colleague that takes the most of the situation to tell you that your work sucks without bothering to sweeten the pill so that it doesn’t hurt your sensibility as a creative).
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How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love

How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love

How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
How to Make Pencil Sketches Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
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