Pencil Sketch From Photo Biography
source( Havas (b. 1983) is a freelance illustrator based in Helsinki. Having studied fashion design at the University of Art and Design Helsinki, her focus is mainly on fashion illustration. Minni uses colour pencils to draw detailed pictures with magical colours and arrangements somewhere in the borderlands of the real and the imaginary.
Known for her photorealistic drawings of girls, Minni grew up admiring her dad’s airbrush art collection and reading cartoons such as Roger Leloup’s Yoko Tsuno. “What a beautiful character,“ she says. “I love the way Leloup draws a human face.” As a child, Minni started imitating Leloup’s characters as well as drawing people from books and magazines together with her sister Milja – the dark-haired girl who often appears in Minni’s drawings today. Already then, she found herself getting into details and drawing “in the right way”, jealous of the sister who wasn’t that strict. “I’m so particular about things,” she says. “Things need to follow a certain order.”
The way Minni talks about things like the shades of red and blue under human skin, the movement of materials in an image, or hard and soft colour pencils, demonstrates the fact that her work is as much about the (often very dogmatic) process as the end result. The way of Minni’s working is very technical and quite slow. At the moment, she works with collages of photographs. “I take a hand from one image, a face from another, and the hair from somewhere else,” she explains. In the future, her dream is to get a photographer, and maybe also a stylist, to work with.
When Minni draws, she doesn’t take up too much space but needs a lot of natural light. She always draws by the window. In addition to water solvent colour pencils of different strengths, her drawing equipment includes a rubber of which she cuts out little pieces with a surgeon’s knife, an automatic sharpener she got as a Christmas present from her boyfriend, a set of small brushes for the most detailed lines as well as a small vacuum cleaner for cleaning the dust coming out of the pencils (if she didn’t clean the dust, even a small drop of water on it might destroy the drawing). In the end, she uses a scanner and later Photoshop only to make the drawings look like they were on paper again. Trying to use the computer as little as possible, Minni aims to maintain a sensation of authenticity in her work – the childlike feeling of ‘wow, someone actually drew that by hand’.
“I’m intrigued by the possibilities of drawing,” Minni says. “I can draw things from my head that would be impossible to photograph.” On the other hand, she gets very inspired by interesting looking models and the challenges of simulating reality – especially certain body parts. Minni’s favourite one is the mouth, which is also the hardest one to draw. Drawing bare skin takes the most of her time. “In addition to volume, it contains a lot of detail,” she explains. “Skin also takes up a lot of brown colour, which is the colour pencil that always runs out first.”
Lately, Minni has been working on illustrations for magazines as well as drawings for projects such as advertising campaigns or a series of stamps for the Finnish mail. She is also starting up a clothing collection with her friend Anne in order to expand her work into three dimensions. “The clothing collection will compliment my very detailed working with the illustrations,” Minni explains. “When it comes to fashion design, Anne is the more technical one of us two.” Like this project, Minni is open for contrast and multidisciplinary challenges in commissions to come – and dreaming of making a big fashion editorial for one of her favourite magazines together with her in-house photographer and stylist to be.
Aside from being the nail on your thumb, in desktop publishing and graphic design thumbnail refers to either small versions of an image or slide or preliminary drawings or rough sketches of a page layout — also called thumbnail sketches.
Thumbnails can be hand drawn, such as quick pencil sketches of a potential business card layout, or generated by software, such as the thumbnail preview images of pictures in a photo gallery. They are called thumbnails because they are small, like your thumbnail (the one on your thumb). Although like thumbs, thumbnail images and sketches can come in many sizes.
A thumbnail is sometimes words. One general definition of thumbnail is as a brief description of a person, place, or thing. A mini-biography of a US President might be considered a thumbnail. A summary of a book is a thumbnail. A brief outline might be considered a thumbnail. Like thumbnail images and thumbnail sketches for page layout, a thumbnail is something brief, concise, and usually preliminary in nature. It's often like a very early rough draft.
Creating and Using Thumbnail Images
Thumbnail images are typically used in digital photo albums or galleries to show a small preview image. It can help with organizing large numbers of images without opening each one to see where it should be filed. Some software, including PowerPoint, shows thumbnail images of graphics and documents to aid in choosing a file to open. Desktop publishing software may use thumbnail images of individual pages in a document to aid in navigation or drag-n-drop reordering of pages. Using thumbnails on Web pages can speed up page loads and assist in navigation.
Slide Sorter View in PowerPoint shows thumbnails of slides.
How to Disable Thumbnail Views in Windows to speed things up.
Turn a Photo or Graphic into a Thumbnail for use on your personal Web page.
Thumbnail Tips and Tutorials for Easy Thumbnails | Photoshop Album | Photoshop Elements | Photoshop (Create Web Photo Gallery) | Irfan View (Create Web Photo Gallery) | ACDSee (Create Web Photo Gallery)
Create Thumbnails with PHP using the GD Library to view online.
Popup Windows in JavaScript display larger images when you click on a thumbnail image.
Thumbnail Image Browsers for Windows help you manage your pictures.
Free Web Template: Simple Photo Gallery Layout is a simple way to display thumbnails that link to larger images.
VOTE IN WEB DESIGN POLL: How do you prefer thumbnails for photo galleries be made?
Making Thumbnail Sketches
The use of thumbnail sketches allows designers or artists to quickly try out, discard, and alter layouts or compositions before committing pencil or paint to paper or before starting on a document in page layout software.
Do Thumbnail Sketches to explore design and layout ideas quickly.
Thumbnail Sketching is shorthand drawing for artists.
Thumbnail Sketch ideas for painting.
VOTE IN DESKTOP PUBLISHING POLL: Do you do thumbnail sketches before starting computer work on a project?
1) Yes, most of the time.
2) If I'm not in a hurry.
3) Usually only on complicated projects
4) No, I don't find it useful.
5) No, it never occured to me to do so.
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Quotes About Thumbnails
"These sketches only have meaning to me. I often write notes to myself so I can figure out what I meant to do, even if I can't figure out what the drawing means several days later." — Judy Litt, former Guide to Graphic Design, looking at a logo makeover from rough sketch to finished product.
"Imagine your subject or picture stripped of all details, through squinted eyes, or in poor light. All you see are big rough shapes and some lines. That's all you need for a thumbnail." — Helen South, Guide to Drawing / Sketching, describing how to create thumbnail sketches
"Not to sound like anyone's great-grandmother, or anything, but "back in the day" (pre-PC) I remember (not fondly, either) covering sheet after sheet of paper with thumbnail sketches of an ever-evolving concept. It was the single best method of working out compositional flaws without spending a year or two on one design." — Shelley Esaak, Guide to Art History, defining the non-PC thumbnail
Also Known As: sketch | rough sketch | rough draft | preview image
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Objectives: Students will
1. Show an understanding and awareness of the work of Chuck Close. Understand how an artist gets ideas.
2. Use ruler skills in creating a grid - develop skills in enlarging a composition using a grid. Study proportion.
3. Recognize values and create values using line, pattern and simulated textures. Develop Contrast through values.
Assorted 6" x 8" (15 x 20.3 cm) photographs showing high contrast (Alternate: use high contrast digital photographs of the students - posterized)
12" x 18" (30.5 x 46 cm) white Drawing Paper., Drawing Pencils., Rulers., Kneaded Rubber Erasers., Ultra-Fine Point Markers., and Sharpie Fine Point Markers..
larryvalue1.jpg (131534 bytes) larry-value2.jpg (136330 bytes) larry-value3.jpg (109272 bytes)
Arts and Activities, project "Close to Mosaics" by Paul Zabos, September 2002
Chuck Close Online (See more Internet resources below)
Book: Chuck Close Up Close. - A biography written for children)
Book: Chuck Close.- This is expensive, so you might want to buy this book used. It is the most comprehensive book, however.
DVD: Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress. (Also available in [VHS]).
Special thanks to: Arts and Activities - Paul Zabos - from Lester B. Pearson, High School in Calgary, Alberta Canada.
1. Show video Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress (show segments if time does not allow the entire video). Discuss video and biography of Chuck Close with students. Why could he be considered a "personal hero"? Read bits and pieces of Chuck Close Up Close..
2. Show PowerPoint or slides of Chuck Close's portraits - discuss his choice of subject matter and techniques - use of grid - How is scale/size important? (lots of images available online). Include the work of Robert Silvers to teach the idea of color value.
3. Demonstrate steps to draw 1" (2.5 cm) grid on 12" x 18" (30 x 46 cm) paper - demonstrate drawing &face" (1 cm) grid on photograph. Label grids if desired at top and side (see example)
4. Demonstrate a variety of ways to get values using lines, patterns and simulated textures.
5. Review how to enlarge using a grid. - Observe each square one at a time assessing the different value scale. (Note: students may want to practice different values on scrap paper)
Teacher Preparation:
Obtain a variety of photographs showing high contrast of values. Photographs should be approximately 6 inches by 8 inches. Assign students to bring in their own photographs during previous assignment so they will have them in plenty of time.
Note: If students' self portraits are to be used - digital photographs - it is suggested to take those during the previous project. Students can manipulate them themselves using posterize filter or cut paper filter depending on software used to obtain a high contrast image.
1. Select photograph of high contrast - cut down to 6" x 8" (15 x 20 cm). Measure a grid using ruler marking at one half inch intervals on top/bottom and sides of photograph. Draw line on photograph with ruler. (Alternative method: Have ½" grids made on photocopier using transparencies - tape transparency over photograph). Each ½ inch square will be transferred to each 1 inch square on the students’ work.
2. Mark a ½ inch border at top of 12" x 18" (30 x 46 cm) white drawing paper (This ½ inch (1 cm) border was used to organize coordinates - see progress for color study). Measure grid at 1 inch intervals at top, bottom and sides of paper. Draw grid using ruler - being careful to insure lines are straight and exactly one inch apart.
3. Students were encouraged to concentrate on the value of a square in the photograph and replicate the value in the corresponding square on their drawing. Those who were most successful were able to "see" the value and not get lost in line or object. In this way, it now became an exercise in seeing and perception. Students are encouraged to make each grid a small "work of art". Use Fine tip markers and Ultra fine tip markers. Some kids drew directly with marker --others drew in pencil, and then went over their marks with marker. (Students may want to experiment on scrap paper)
4. Create a variety of textures using line - develop some strong areas of contrast - some patterns will have solid areas of black. Some areas will have a very faint texture/line quality.
5. Be sure to study your work from a distance from time to time as you work. Critique when finished - How does your work compare to the work of Chuck Close?
1. Did students show an awareness and understanding of the work of chuck Close? What qualities in Chuck Close did they admire? Did they develop an understanding in scale and proportion by studying the work of chuck close?
2. Did students successfully use the ruler to make a grid and enlarge a photograph to scale?
3. Did students perceive value and reproduce that using line, texture and pattern? Did they develop contrast for interest?
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Pencil Sketch From Photo Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
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Pencil Sketch From Photo Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
Pencil Sketch From Photo Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
Pencil Sketch From Photo Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
Pencil Sketch From Photo Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
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Pencil Sketch From Photo Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
Pencil Sketch From Photo Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love
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Pencil Sketch From Photo Of Nature Of Sceneries Landscapes Of Flowers Of Girls Of People Tumblr Of Roses Of Eyes Of Love

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